Think Safety First. Safety is YOUR responsibility!
Opening the Range:
1. Raise the range flag. This is the red flag that indicates that a rifle or pistol range is in use. This is a safety requirement that must be accomplished. Flag will be found in the flag container at the base of the flag pole.
2. Inspect downrange. Travel east down the old Masonic Road to determine that no one is downrange and within the boundary of the range. Approximately 300 yards east is a wire gate. Make certain the wire gate is closed and that the safety sign at this gate is still in position.
3. Place targets at firing points at the base of the berms at the distances you will be using. No glass targets are to be used.
4. When entering the fire range, all firearms are to be empty with actions open and pointing downrange.
5. The use of eye and ear protection is recommended.
6. No intoxicating beverages or controlled substances are allowed on the range.
7. Persons using or having used intoxicating beverages or controlled substances prior to arriving at these facilities are prohibited.
Using the Range:
1. All targets are to be placed immediately in front of the berms (earth backstops). No shooting outside of these shooting lanes.
2. There will be NO glass targets. No glass containers are to be anywhere at this facility.
3. While targets are changed downrange no person shall handle firearms at the shooting line. All firearms are to be cleared, actions opened with magazines and clips removed and placed on the firing bench or firearms rack.
4. No shooter will remain on the firing line while targets are being changed downrange.
5. As agreed by ALL SHOOTERS, all targets are to be placed or replaced downrange at the same time. No person goes downrange while other shooters remain on the firing line.
6. All firearms are to be pointed downrange at all times.
7. All firearms are to be empty, clips and magazines removed and with actions open when shooter is not on the firing line.
8. Shooting at rocks is very dangerous and is absolutely prohibited!
Closing the Range:
1. When finished shooting, remove all targets and take them with you.
2. Pick up your empty shells and brass and take them with you.
3. Leave the facility cleaner than when you found it.
4. Leave no trash. If you bring it to the range, take it with you when you leave.
5. Return the range flag to the flag container at the base of the flag pole.
We hope you had a great experience.
Please come again!