2018 Newsletter

Hi everyone,

We have some big changes going on in the Bridgeport Gun Club. We will be saying farewell to our President, Mark Westerlund. Mark served as Gun Club president for the last year, and as vice president for 25+ years. Jason Pelichowski will be taking over as Gun Club President, elected by the members of the Board, which includes Jim Jeude, Ed Inwood, Tom Mullinax, and John Pelichowski Sr. Jason was born and raised in Bridgeport and is looking forward to honoring the many traditions that Albert was dedicated to, especially those that get our local kids involved in the community, shooting, and the outdoors. Norman Annett will be continuing to serve as Vice President. We would also like to welcome Kat Love, who will be replacing Janelle Mills as the Secretary/Treasurer. Thank you to Janelle for your dedication throughout the last year.

The focus of the Bridgeport Gun Club will remain the same – we are dedicated to defending our 2nd Amendment Rights through the involvement, education, and comradery of our community. This year, we are looking forward to our Gun Rights Dinner on June 2, as well as a variety of trap and skeet shoots, including the second Annual Albert Pegorare Memorial Trap Shoot on June 3rd. Mark your calendars and come join us! A list of Gun Club events for the 2018 year is also included with this email.

Please note that dues are due immediately. Membership amounts and the mailing address are listed on the included membership application. In the interest of making sure we have updated and necessary information for all members, both past, current, and new members must submit a membership application with the dues. The application can also be found at http://bridgeportcagunclub.com/membership/ and checks can be made payable to the Bridgeport Gun Club.

Lastly, we would like to say thank you to Mark Westerlund. His years of dedication to the Bridgeport Gun Club and the community of Bridgeport have been paramount to the success of the organization. We wish you well on your new adventures!

To everyone else, we look forward to seeing you at our Gun Rights Dinner and other events this year.